Two lights flickered in the distant pixel of the screen. Twitching their repetitions in a solaced fashion dictated by the bits and bytes of their holographic'd database. The files upon files being progressed in algothrithmic fashion, storing names and their tendencies through their if statements and the digital SQL Proportional preferences -- everything is known about us from the day we are born -- the social software in full effect. Our future, perfectly scripted.
The following thoughts are fictitious -- made up -- just a random blip in the radar -- however they do represent a fear I hope my children will not experience.
Suppressing the System
In the future when I wake up, I'll roll over and and get ready to work. I'll sanitize the parts that need sanitized, and a I'll get dressed. I'll sip as I drive -- and I'll listen to the morning news. Ho-hum will I go, as the willing whistling worker.
I'll do this, because we'll live in a world where we want to better our lives. We won't need to salvage and harvest - and we'll want a nest.
The nest we'll live in will be our roost. It will have walls, windows and ways to keep those freezing temperatures from shaking our bones - and it will also makes our worst offense - feces - just go away magically...
We'll want our roosts to be the biggests and brightest - and we'll create our own market for it -- to such a point that people will get rich for ages over it... wealth will be a real thing of the world... And not only that, when wealth doesn't make money, we'll keep it propped to protect our future -- and we'll protect it so much, that we'd give our own health and welfare -- and our common right to learn.
We'll make wealth the suppressing system... everybody will want it -- some may reach it -- but by that point, they'll be so in tune with our programming -- that they'll swim with the rest of us for it --- wealth will be synonymous with freedom for us...
But the future may always be dark...
Harlem Globe-trottered
In the future - entertainment will be globalized. Our airplanes will spin, our blu-rays will fly -- the future will be glittered with more glitz and glamour than our globe-trotting, ghetto-fabulous, gluten-freed lives could handle... Updates will be instant, while global ideals will be spread faster than we can keep up with...
Taking a deep breath
If I could pause for a moment -- and explain a concern that I'm not sure why we haven't acted on yet...
Our globe is warming.
Aside from the argument of who did what -- we know there are serious ramifications if the Earth does warm. And it does. It warms and cools faster now than it did before -- mainly because our averages are warming -- while our thermostat is cycling and starting to cook our coats... and we have really thin coats.
So if there is a problem -- no matter who did what -- and we know that by increasing the concentration of CO2 only compounds the problem of heating a container -- loose lid or no loose lid -- then why aren't we acting to fix the problem...
We have a problem here - we either aren't listening, aren't paying attention, are busy talking about who did what, or else aren't being told...
An economic trifecta - consumption, real estate, wars
Our future will be acronymically aligned - with our growth and our goods of domesticated products leading the path to green and golden shores. With the creation of wealth, laws will follow the wealth and be made by those who control our best interests. We'll follow the equations, encourage the method and sacrifice our peanuts when we'll need to - all for the maintenance of the steady growth - we're growing the planet after all.
The first step in our three step plan - is we buy ourselves a new everything!!! Imagine a future full of bright shiny things that flash and flip and film and flop and fly and flood and fish and fry and fool the eye! Consumption will fill the every void that needs to fulfill the balance.
The second step in our three step hop - is we buy everything back off ourselves!!! Imagine a future where buying a home is as easy as 1, 2, 3! ... or 1 - starter ...2 - step up .. and 3 - go!
The third step in our three step tango - is we war. And we war and we war... We war to eat... we war to protect and we war to hunt... In our ways with war we'll keep up our growing... to protect our children's future.
Dots should connect to five points - Social Tendencies
It took approximately no effort to save this script to a database without any delay. I don't have a choice once the words roll off these fingers. With every stop I make with the keyboard on my table -- the Draft saves at every consistent pause. And I pause in thought often... It takes seconds, scratch that -- milliseconds -- for a piece of data to be stored in the intra-wide-web... The scripts are right there.
Every moment of every seconds -- oddles -- scratch that -- quadrilli-oodles of data are filed in a sequence of 1's and 0's left in a stash of servers from every click to that new shopping website... As your friend updates and status changes in very counting moment in every tablet and pads -- so do the oodles. And oodles and oodles do they ogle and ogle. The data serves to count your tendencies for purchasing - your tendencies for eating -- and your tendencies of beliefs. You can't help feel that you are being watched -- watched and watched to make the tendencies that much easier to predict... to ensure your tendencies are to follow...
How the pyramid of 1981 became 2012
The future told above is fucked. It's shallow, conceited and vain. It flaunts its sorry ass in front of us while we're told to shop and shut the fuck up. But in reality - - the future told above is locked and loaded...
But where will it end? That's for the future to decide... But philosophically -- I hope an outlaw or two will come to save the day...
How a 2050 came to 2112
A pleasant faced man steps up to greet you, he smiles, and says he's pleased to meet you. Beneath his hat the strangeness lies, take it off, he's got three eyes. Truth is false and logic lost, now the fourth dimension is crossed... You have entered the Twilight Zone beyond this world strange things are known.. Use the key, unlock the door, see what your fate might have in store...
Come explore your dreams' creation, enter this world of imagination...
You wake up lost in an empty town, wondering why no one else is around. Look up to see a giant boy, you've just become his brand new toy.
No escape, no place to hide, here where time and space collide. Enter this world of imagination...
Friday, March 30, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The Lesser Wiseman

Our ministers and their cabinets of costumed displays of prowess have been at their helm for just shy of a year to this day. They’ve gavelled and garvilled, craptioned, and crewfoot, marvelled and mivelled, all the while eating their green eggs and ham. And what they are accomplishing will reshape how Canadians are perceived.
with a Penny on his Name

Our Canadian Economy has been clustered into a single name brand: Oil.
We sit on the 3rd largest reserve of recoverable, upgradeable, refineable, burnable source of liquid energy known on our globe. We have it, there's lots, you needs it, and our message is: take it now! It took eons to cook and bake under the pressure of the earth with its gentle decay, but we can't get this stuff outta the ground faster for that quick hit to our blue, purple, green, red and our Sir Robert Bordens staches'.

Our Canadian Economy has been clustered into a single name brand: Oil.
We sit on the 3rd largest reserve of recoverable, upgradeable, refineable, burnable source of liquid energy known on our globe. We have it, there's lots, you needs it, and our message is: take it now! It took eons to cook and bake under the pressure of the earth with its gentle decay, but we can't get this stuff outta the ground faster for that quick hit to our blue, purple, green, red and our Sir Robert Bordens staches'.
In order to pump this stuff faster than Technonic pumps up the jam, we're trying to cram it down to our coastlines. Our arms are extending from shore to shore to ship the shipwrecked remains of bacterial growth. We’re sending out our keystone lights, larges and supersized gateways. We’re hurrying because we have to: the global connection is starting to occur and global problems are being recognized to be relatable to our precious growth. We're hurrying because Our Economy depends on the precious growth. We're hurrying because they want the quick easy dollar.
Canada’s foreign ownership is what drives our economy. In 2009, $1.4 trillion of assets located within our pacific to atlantic shores are owned by foreign companies. In that year, $860 billion of operating was generated by those foreign companies and $47 billion of profit was shipped across our fences. Profits equivalent to 3.9% of our GDP were shared by non-canadians. We’ve sold our economy to make people outside of our borders rich.
But when the engine that drives the machine slows, and with the foreign investors being used to fast cars and smooth engines, they may be turning in their keys knowing the engine only runs on one fuel – our good ol’ fashioned sar-sas-pa-bid-amin. If we can’t keep fueling our fires to run our economy, for instance if our fire is causing too much smoke that irritate the global heaters to debate, then we might stop shopping. And when we stop shopping, it might be because our debt ceilings can’t go any higher… or are we already on that escalator to the top floor of the BOC...
In any regard, we owe money… a lot of money. More than we’ve ever owed. And now we might not be able to get money as easy as we used to. Mortgage offerers used to trust us so much, we could tell them any reasonable salary and be handed the key to our brand new houses and till pits. As part of this generosity and offering of trust, we have bloated our bullion boxes to limits that has pushed our protectors to new levels of insurability. We have bloated our boxes so much, that even as our big banks and priced ticket providers booked big bucks while our employment bumps higher and higher, we took on more and more to owe and owe. The big banks bucked the trend of slumping afterthoughts to cash in on the cash cow while the cash cow curdles its milk. And with the expiration date soon approaching, the sour taste it is going to lead will leave our lead ministers and lead cabinets wondering what went wrong….
But when the engine that drives the machine slows, and with the foreign investors being used to fast cars and smooth engines, they may be turning in their keys knowing the engine only runs on one fuel – our good ol’ fashioned sar-sas-pa-bid-amin. If we can’t keep fueling our fires to run our economy, for instance if our fire is causing too much smoke that irritate the global heaters to debate, then we might stop shopping. And when we stop shopping, it might be because our debt ceilings can’t go any higher… or are we already on that escalator to the top floor of the BOC...
In any regard, we owe money… a lot of money. More than we’ve ever owed. And now we might not be able to get money as easy as we used to. Mortgage offerers used to trust us so much, we could tell them any reasonable salary and be handed the key to our brand new houses and till pits. As part of this generosity and offering of trust, we have bloated our bullion boxes to limits that has pushed our protectors to new levels of insurability. We have bloated our boxes so much, that even as our big banks and priced ticket providers booked big bucks while our employment bumps higher and higher, we took on more and more to owe and owe. The big banks bucked the trend of slumping afterthoughts to cash in on the cash cow while the cash cow curdles its milk. And with the expiration date soon approaching, the sour taste it is going to lead will leave our lead ministers and lead cabinets wondering what went wrong….
, Holding the warmth
“There are books on HTML, JavaScript, Java, ActiveX, and all sorts of other geeky subjects. But not only don't you need to understand these things in order to set up a Web site you can read a dozen such books, and you still won't know everything you need to do.”

124 kilotonnes at a time, we plug and play our way to selling our souls. 124 times a few dozen equals the pace of development in our oilish-sands. This means a few megaton or two – and I am talking about that dangerous, acidic gas again, the hot air with some carbon copied spewing from our pipestacks. Its been correlated to our seas and leveled the playing field with a stark realization that we could be purposely poisoning ourselves with a bitter pill … but it contradicts our model.
We need to puff, and to keep up the puff, we need to huff. So when we huff and huff the puff in a gruff to make it seem like it's tough for geeky stuff like science to cuff any GHG fluff to our well beings being rough... we end up hiding true stuff...
We need to puff, and to keep up the puff, we need to huff. So when we huff and huff the puff in a gruff to make it seem like it's tough for geeky stuff like science to cuff any GHG fluff to our well beings being rough... we end up hiding true stuff...
is Sparing Some Dollars

We moving towards a new era in the timeline of economic development. One which will be clouded in the coffers of a new class system. A division is occurring.
In the short time that ministers have spared their 2 cents, we changed our laws... we changed our oversight... we changed our habits and we changed our minds.
We claimed we were the best in handling our money, as we were told that our systems were protecting us. But in the coming weeks and months our protection systems will keep watching us lose more and more for less and less. These will be hard times in the country that proclaimed it was the best. And will be far from image that we perceived ourselves to be...
In the short time that ministers have spared their 2 cents, we changed our laws... we changed our oversight... we changed our habits and we changed our minds.
We claimed we were the best in handling our money, as we were told that our systems were protecting us. But in the coming weeks and months our protection systems will keep watching us lose more and more for less and less. These will be hard times in the country that proclaimed it was the best. And will be far from image that we perceived ourselves to be...
Thursday, March 8, 2012
A Mirrored Image
I'm not sure how I think. I stop a lot throughout the day and wonder how these neurons and microns throughout my nervous and intelligence systems are programmed. I doubt too much... Not my thoughts, but the things around me... they make me nervous with their intelligence systems. I read... I doubt... Mostly politics... some religion... and well a few other things. The other day, with my skip to my beat, I got a virtual signal from my inbox that life's lessons could be taken for free; some facts and figures on how to take what you want by signing on the dotted line and how it would be the smartest investment decision of you're life; the cost would only be a small fee and your life's soul... A signal from a REIN supremer so hidden with sub-primal tendencies that non-primed engines would never be stopped.... The signal by the REIN supremer in the dark, my response in the light...
Discover Canada's Top City For Real Estate Investment
Here Are The Facts, Figures & Details You Need To Make Smart Investing Decisions Today
Here Are The Facts, Figures & Details You Need To Make Smart Investing Decisions Today
There is no doubt that Calgary is one of the hottest hubs for real estate investment in the country... one could argue the globe over, yet this powerhouse is flying under the radar of most Canadian investors, especially Albertans. The grass always seems greener somewhere else, a phenomenon that never ceases to amaze, but the numbers simply don't lie.
Calgary real estate has been hot. And for some time. While growth in the energy sector has resumed and the oil sands are developed, Canada is ramping its production rate right up to it's export pipeline's capacity. But some problems persists; our Gateways are closed, and XLs too supersized for other's needs. We can't move it anywhere. And to further compound problems, the tea, shnitzel and cappucino makers are considering labelling us as "dirty", but fortunately we know and told the right people in Europe that doing so might lose a few profits to couple of BPs, Totals and Stats and that thing should keep going for a while longer...
Calgary real estate has been hot. And for some time. While growth in the energy sector has resumed and the oil sands are developed, Canada is ramping its production rate right up to it's export pipeline's capacity. But some problems persists; our Gateways are closed, and XLs too supersized for other's needs. We can't move it anywhere. And to further compound problems, the tea, shnitzel and cappucino makers are considering labelling us as "dirty", but fortunately we know and told the right people in Europe that doing so might lose a few profits to couple of BPs, Totals and Stats and that thing should keep going for a while longer...
It's time you have the information, all the facts & figures that major corporations are looking at and have been looking at for the past few years. Money continues to pour into Alberta for a reason - many reasons - so take a look at the latest research our team has just put together. This is something we usually keep just for members of REIN™, but not this time - it's too important.
Research is defined as the study of something thoroughly so as to present trends and determine or infer hypotheses of events happening... Research is not defined as interpreting a small sample data over a short time line and suddenly declare: ALL IS GOOD, we're all getting rich!! Keep buying!!! and either ignorantly or greedily declairing money is pouring in like Pacman makin rain cause we all good... Research can be muddled with fake facts and fake fools.
Take a minute or two, absorb all the latest research included below, and who knows, maybe you'll gain some new perspective on the opportunities available here in Canada.
A new perspective would mean to differ from the status quo... and what has the status quo been? Buy real estate. Buy BuY BUY!! The status quo is so so, as the sow and flow of dough was thought at prid-quo-pro, but the pro was so that the dough went to the bro, da b of m's and da t dot c of i b sees. Da bee o see... See? Buy means borrow. Borrow means one thing. Bucklet boots and beer bellied bottle rockets of bubbles. Bubbles and bubbles of debt.
Take a minute or two, absorb all the latest research included below, and who knows, maybe you'll gain some new perspective on the opportunities available here in Canada.
A new perspective would mean to differ from the status quo... and what has the status quo been? Buy real estate. Buy BuY BUY!! The status quo is so so, as the sow and flow of dough was thought at prid-quo-pro, but the pro was so that the dough went to the bro, da b of m's and da t dot c of i b sees. Da bee o see... See? Buy means borrow. Borrow means one thing. Bucklet boots and beer bellied bottle rockets of bubbles. Bubbles and bubbles of debt.
With a population of over one million people, Calgary offers amenities and business opportunities found nowhere else in Alberta. As such, the city will continue to experience growth as it is recognized as a prime location for both businesses and home owners.
It is a city in the province of Alberta, Canada and is located in the south of the province, in an area of foothills and prairie, approximately 80 km (50 mi) east of the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies. The city is located in the Grassland region of Alberta. John Glenn was the first settler in 1873, then the gush came.....
As of the last Civic Census (April 2011), the City of Calgary had a population of 1,090,936, an increase of 19,421 residents (a growth of 1.81%) from the 2010 census. During this time period (ending April 2011), four communities grew more than 100%, reflecting a migration to some of the newer developments: Mahogany (205%), Walden (183%), Skyview Ranch (154%), and Sage Hill (102%)1.
Five communities had population increases of more than 1,000 people. Often, depending on the original number of inhabitants, this number is more telling than percent change (i.e. an increase of 10 residents to 20 residents is still a 100% increase). These communities include: Panorama Hills (1,952), Auburn Bay (1,552), New Brighton (1,236), Cranston (1,186), and Skyview Ranch (1,093)2.
As the baby boomers age, driving the average age up in most centers across the country, Calgary will have a distinct advantage as it continues to attract younger families. This important fact will help drive the economy longer and farther than most other major centers in the country. In other words, as other areas age, Calgary continues to renew itself.
So if boomers age, and agers boom... and younger families become more and more attracted, they'll keep buying and buying, building up loads and loads of betchas and dont'chas. Sure, they don't make money now... but when they do make money, they'll be ready to high five their way to their 5% down and on the five by five plan... just tell them not to worry about those newly formed credit debts from the donuts... and that the best investment strategy is to join the party that every one is invited to!! The more the merrier... everyone into the pool... last one in is the rotten egg!!!!!
With a population of over one million people, Calgary offers amenities and business opportunities found nowhere else in Alberta. As such, the city will continue to experience growth as it is recognized as a prime location for both businesses and home owners.
It is a city in the province of Alberta, Canada and is located in the south of the province, in an area of foothills and prairie, approximately 80 km (50 mi) east of the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies. The city is located in the Grassland region of Alberta. John Glenn was the first settler in 1873, then the gush came.....
As of the last Civic Census (April 2011), the City of Calgary had a population of 1,090,936, an increase of 19,421 residents (a growth of 1.81%) from the 2010 census. During this time period (ending April 2011), four communities grew more than 100%, reflecting a migration to some of the newer developments: Mahogany (205%), Walden (183%), Skyview Ranch (154%), and Sage Hill (102%)1.
Five communities had population increases of more than 1,000 people. Often, depending on the original number of inhabitants, this number is more telling than percent change (i.e. an increase of 10 residents to 20 residents is still a 100% increase). These communities include: Panorama Hills (1,952), Auburn Bay (1,552), New Brighton (1,236), Cranston (1,186), and Skyview Ranch (1,093)2.
As the baby boomers age, driving the average age up in most centers across the country, Calgary will have a distinct advantage as it continues to attract younger families. This important fact will help drive the economy longer and farther than most other major centers in the country. In other words, as other areas age, Calgary continues to renew itself.
So if boomers age, and agers boom... and younger families become more and more attracted, they'll keep buying and buying, building up loads and loads of betchas and dont'chas. Sure, they don't make money now... but when they do make money, they'll be ready to high five their way to their 5% down and on the five by five plan... just tell them not to worry about those newly formed credit debts from the donuts... and that the best investment strategy is to join the party that every one is invited to!! The more the merrier... everyone into the pool... last one in is the rotten egg!!!!!
Despite the overall decline in net-migration compared to previous record years (9,563 this year down from a peak of 25,794 in 2006)3, Calgary will continue to be a magnet for a vibrant populous. Calgary is no longer just attracting people from Canada; it is also becoming a more attractive location for immigrants and foreign workers.
Calgary's labour participation rate increased to 74.5% in the CMA as of December 2011 from 73.4% in December 2010. At the end of 2011, the unemployment rate stood at 5.5%, down from 6.2% the previous year. By the end of December 2011, employment was up 2.9% from 2010. A majority of the jobs created during that time period were full time-positions, adding over 16,000 jobs4. With employment opportunities improving, more people will be drawn into the labour force, preventing any large declines in the unemployment rate. CMHC is predicting the unemployment to drop marginally, to 5.4%, by the end of 20125.
In the beginning of 2008, the CMHC determined that housing sales would be slower, but only drop 3.9%. Everything was fine... nothing to see here.... but by the end, there were a few more worried at the time that the CMHC was a little off... and they can always be a little off...
In the beginning of 2008, the CMHC determined that housing sales would be slower, but only drop 3.9%. Everything was fine... nothing to see here.... but by the end, there were a few more worried at the time that the CMHC was a little off... and they can always be a little off...
Take for example, advising on mortgages... When advising, they tell you how much and by when... they tell you how often and who to talk to.. they tell you this and that and the other... But they don`t restrict... and they don`t check. And when they don`t restrict ... yes, they will drive up the prices of houses. But when they don`t restrict and they don`t check... and if things get bad... and by bad I mean bumpy... and by bumpy I mean bubbly... and by bubbly I mean not affordable by the bump up in the price of houses... then we might have that correction...
Housing Trends
Like most cities in the wake of the recession, Calgary has also experienced some ups and downs in the housing sector in the last several years. 2006 and 2007 saw record building permit values and housing starts in the city, while starts dropped off in 2008 and 2009 before increasing again in 2010. By the end of 2011, it appears that market conditions have started to improve.
The City of Calgary reported a total building permit value of $4.5 billion in 2011, an increase from $2.9 billion in 2010 and the third highest year on record. The city posits the building permit value growth to an increase in new builds over improvements. Several large residential projects have bolstered the total building permit value, including the University Residential Towers ($55 million) and Eight Avenue Place - West Tower ($195 million)6.
The Calgary CMA recorded a total of 9,292 housing starts in 2011, a slight increase from 9,262 units in 2010. The increase in housing starts can be directly attributed to the increase in multi-family construction. In 2011, 4,208 multi-family units began construction, in comparison to the 3,480 units started in 2010 (an increase of 21%). On the other hand, single- detached housing experienced a small decline: 5,084 units began construction in 2011, a decrease of 12% from 5,782 units in 20107.
Residential construction is expected to lift even further in 2012 as the economy improves, increasing job creation and net migration. CMHC predicts that the city's housing starts will increase 11% to 9,400 in 2012, with gains in both the multi- family and single-family housing markets. Single detached starts are forecast to reach approximately 5,500 units in 2012, while multi-family starts should hit 3,900 units8.
So to start, we need a beginning. And when was the beginning? At the last end. The last end was when again? Back then again? Although they start, housing start stats aren't really indicative of a healthy real estate/mortgage industry. They need the middle of the start of a recovery.... but if we never really ended the last beginning to end, then how can we start? Anyways... what starts do is lag... they wait for the all clear and then they start... they don't dig until the dust has settled and the doorbells are ringing... So to say housing starts lead they way to a safer and better housing stats might be a bit misleading... they lag... they let things start.. and then they start.... And in reality, we haven't started that fast... in 2007 we started faster... about 2 times faster back then... To compare the starts to finishes from now till then isn't the best presentation. That's just weak Don.
Sale and Rent
Getting into the housing market with positive cash flow properties in Calgary has proved difficult for investors in the last decade and that is one key consideration that kept Calgary out of the #1 spot for several years. 2006 and 2007 were characterized by multiple offers, zero days on the market, bidding wars and offers with no conditions. Most home-owners and investors were wishing the market would come back to normal. As the pendulum swings the other way to a buyers' market, we are seeing the opportunities for sane purchasing once again entering the market.
According to the Calgary Real Estate Board (CREB), residential sales in Calgary have increased 8% in the past year, with 18,568 sales in 2011 compared to 17,267 in 2010. While sales activity was lukewarm in the first half of 2011, job growth,
Insanity is reckless... it's harmful and it is sometimes hurts to type responses to virtual signals... But sane purchasing habits are misleading. Most mortgages (95%) today high five their way to the 5% down variety, and our affordabilities are being pushed to the limit. So when affordabilities are pushed to the limits with our gases and our peanuts escalating their ways to black gold and cashews, we have recorded our debts to record high territory. So how can it go down? The answer is, it has to. We simply cannot afford it anymore.
Stronger migration, and higher earnings all contributed to lift sales in the second half of the year9. In addition, low mortgage rates continue to provide prospective buyers, especially first-time home buyers, with many opportunities.
While sales were up in 2011, elevated levels of inventory limited housing price growth. At the end of 2011, the average price for a single-family home in the Calgary CMA was $466,402, an increase of just over 1% from $461,132 in 201010. The median price of a newly constructed home sat at $457,271 in 2011, an increase of 5.1% from 201011.
One negative of the renewed momentum in Calgary's real estate market, however, is the decrease in housing affordability. Calgary's affordability index is currently sitting at 38.2 for a standard two-storey home, meaning 38.2% of an average person's pre-tax income is necessary to afford an average home in the city. But when compared to other major cities across Canada, Calgary still comes out on top. In the third quarter of 2011, Toronto recorded an affordability index of 61.3, Montreal came in at 52.2, and Vancouver sat at 94.412!
Numbers never lie. remember that...
Smaller means better. In comparing Apple A to Apple B. Apple B is two times larger than Apple A. Therefore, Apple A is much smaller. But when Apples A and B are both larger than the healthy average... then what does that make Apple A and B? Both higher than normal? Comparing an index to some of the worst indices in the world that are both indicative of a normalized bubble is not a great way to make an argument for a safe investment. Numbers never lie. Unlike the ones in the dark.
Rental rates in Calgary have also increased in the past year. The average rent for a private apartment in Calgary was $978 in October 2011; an increase from $969 in October 2010. The average rent for a bachelor unit was $705, down slightly from $709; a one bedroom unit rented for $899, up from $894 in 2010; a two bedroom unit was $1,084, an increase from $1,069 the previous year; and a three bedroom unit sat at $1,077, up from $1,057 in October 201013.
Numbers never lie. Rental rates are fine. These are increasing with inflation. The numbers do not lie. Is it better to rent than "invest in real estate". Don't be a greater fooler. The Lesser Wiseman told me. He's smarter than you or I. But you can also do the math. The numbers don't lie.
Increased economic activity will support rental demand in 2012. Improved activity in the energy sector will create jobs and attract newcomers. New migrants are expected to be the main contributor to rental demand in 2012 as many of them will look to rent and familiarize themselves with the city before deciding to purchase a home. As demand for rental housing rises, rental rates are also expected to increase. The average rent of a two-bedroom apartment is anticipated to reach $1,100 by October 2012. However, despite the rise, the average two-bedroom rent will still be below the peak of $1,148 experienced in 200814.
Canada is losing jobs. The only sector churning anything is the heavy oil industry, while economic activity has stalled with our GDP only being propped by the mortgage industry. But even our best sector is having problems; we can't ship it east, as they get their oil non-synthetically from the middle East, and have peaked in their growth, so oil consumption may not increase. We can't ship it south, as they've been boosting their own production and reserves while increasing theirs.. and we can't sell to anyone unless country we get a pipeline.
Vacancy Rates
As the rental market tightened in response to increased economic activity, the Calgary CMA experienced a dip in the average vacancy rate. As of October 2011, the vacancy rate of a private apartment in the CMA was 1.9%, down from 3.6% in October 2010. This is the lowest vacancy rate the city has experienced since October 2007.
A bachelor unit had a 1.9% vacancy rate, down from 4.1% in October 2010; a one bedroom private apartment sat at 1.8%, down from 3%; the vacancy rate of a two bedroom unit sat at 2%, down from 4.2%; and a three bedroom unit had a vacancy rate of 3.3%, down from 5.3% in October 201015.
Downtown Calgary reported the lowest vacancy rate, sitting at 1% in October 2011. Demand for rental units in the downtown area has remained high, as many people strive to live close to their place of work. The Beltline area has also benefitted from increased activity in the core, posting a vacancy rate of 1.7% in 201116.
So you've just moved to Calgary. Welcome aboard. We hope your flight wasn't too bumpy on the way through that turbulence. Here's $500,000, you can be on your way now...
Numbers never lie. Rental rates are fine. These are increasing with inflation. The numbers do not lie. Is it better to rent than "invest in real estate". Don't be a greater fooler. The Lesser Wiseman told me. He's smarter than you or I. But you can also do the math. The numbers don't lie.
Increased economic activity will support rental demand in 2012. Improved activity in the energy sector will create jobs and attract newcomers. New migrants are expected to be the main contributor to rental demand in 2012 as many of them will look to rent and familiarize themselves with the city before deciding to purchase a home. As demand for rental housing rises, rental rates are also expected to increase. The average rent of a two-bedroom apartment is anticipated to reach $1,100 by October 2012. However, despite the rise, the average two-bedroom rent will still be below the peak of $1,148 experienced in 200814.
Canada is losing jobs. The only sector churning anything is the heavy oil industry, while economic activity has stalled with our GDP only being propped by the mortgage industry. But even our best sector is having problems; we can't ship it east, as they get their oil non-synthetically from the middle East, and have peaked in their growth, so oil consumption may not increase. We can't ship it south, as they've been boosting their own production and reserves while increasing theirs.. and we can't sell to anyone unless country we get a pipeline.
Vacancy Rates
As the rental market tightened in response to increased economic activity, the Calgary CMA experienced a dip in the average vacancy rate. As of October 2011, the vacancy rate of a private apartment in the CMA was 1.9%, down from 3.6% in October 2010. This is the lowest vacancy rate the city has experienced since October 2007.
A bachelor unit had a 1.9% vacancy rate, down from 4.1% in October 2010; a one bedroom private apartment sat at 1.8%, down from 3%; the vacancy rate of a two bedroom unit sat at 2%, down from 4.2%; and a three bedroom unit had a vacancy rate of 3.3%, down from 5.3% in October 201015.
Downtown Calgary reported the lowest vacancy rate, sitting at 1% in October 2011. Demand for rental units in the downtown area has remained high, as many people strive to live close to their place of work. The Beltline area has also benefitted from increased activity in the core, posting a vacancy rate of 1.7% in 201116.
So you've just moved to Calgary. Welcome aboard. We hope your flight wasn't too bumpy on the way through that turbulence. Here's $500,000, you can be on your way now...
Yes, we've grown. And we've benefited. And with that $500,000 you get to live in the 'burbs. There's no room for you in the un-vacated rental boxes. And if you take that $500,000 and just rent it there's lots of people who need it - it's just you need to rent it for $2,500 per month to pay for it... hmm... something seems funny...
Top Investment Town
Calgary, the head office center of the west, is no longer a city with wild economic swings like it experienced in the 1980's.. It's economy has diversified (with more work to do), the population growth continues to be leading the Nation, incomes are increasing faster than anywhere else, and the lifestyle it offers has been rated one of the best in North America.
Receiving an 'A' grade from the Conference Board of Canada17, Calgary showcases many investment opportunities. A growing population, steady job creation and the strong resale housing market are driving growth.
During the economic recession, Calgary's real estate market made a predictable correction resulting in slightly more affordable housing compared to recent years passed. It was economically impossible for the market to continue at the pace at which it was heading and now finds itself adjusting to market realities.
Top Investment Town
Calgary, the head office center of the west, is no longer a city with wild economic swings like it experienced in the 1980's.. It's economy has diversified (with more work to do), the population growth continues to be leading the Nation, incomes are increasing faster than anywhere else, and the lifestyle it offers has been rated one of the best in North America.
Receiving an 'A' grade from the Conference Board of Canada17, Calgary showcases many investment opportunities. A growing population, steady job creation and the strong resale housing market are driving growth.
During the economic recession, Calgary's real estate market made a predictable correction resulting in slightly more affordable housing compared to recent years passed. It was economically impossible for the market to continue at the pace at which it was heading and now finds itself adjusting to market realities.
Here is just one lie after another. As recent as 3 years ago, we had a wild economic swing. And as recently as 2 weeks ago, we almost had another. We are on a constant swing over cycles and balances of supply and demand, which can, at times, be dictated by people who have vested interests. We cannot control the swings. Sometimes they miss... but every once and awhile - - they hit.
The next lie is the assumed value that 'A' is a good grade. Maybe the student paid off the teacher... maybe the A is not graded on a curve and every one else got A+++'s.... maybe the grade is a given by someone who benefits from dolling out A's all day long... maybe the AAA plus ratings are better? A grade from a institute that wants economic properties and growth is not going to give you an F- and cause a panic. It would be akin to economic suicide...
Well the last one is kind of true; it is economically impossible for the market to continue at the paces at which is has headed for 13 years without adjusting to market realities: we overinflated and overborrowed... and we're cooked.
Housing affordability will continue to be an issue in Calgary, with rents increasing and a high average price. However, when we look at that price versus average income, we see that other cities in this country have a much larger problem on their hands. Calgary has the long-term economics to support long-term market strength while other cities do not.
Ah, here is where the lies continue. Housing affordabilities DO LOOK AT PRICES VERSUS AVERAGE INCOME. If it continues to be an issue... it will remain an issue. Saying other cities are worse off doesn't mean that we are not worse off.... It doesn't work to say: "you gone stepped in some big pile of shit", when you are knee-deep as well.... FACK!
If you are investing in Canadian real estate right now or hope to do so soon... or even if you invest outside the country, the information presented above is hugely important. Understanding exactly what's going on in Calgary and all of Alberta is key to making smart investment decisions for the next decade and beyond. So whether you're living in Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta or Ontario, Calgary has to be on your radar as a sophisticated real estate investor. The numbers simply don't lie - Calgary is poised to perform.
I hope this research has been helpful to you and your investment business and if it has, it would be great to hear back from you. Even better - repost, re-blog, forward or tweet anything and everything you learned!
Please do not invest in real estate in Canada right now. Understanding exactly whats going on in Calgary and all of Canada is key to making wise investment decisions for the next decade and beyond. So
whether you're living in Saskatchewan, BC, AB or the none of these should be on your radar as a sophisticated human. The numbers simply don't lie... but in the dark, they can be muddled to look like truth.
I hope this research has been helpful to you and your investment business and if it has, it would be great to hear back from you. Even better - repost, re-blog, forward or tweet anything and everything you learned!
Please do not invest in real estate in Canada right now. Understanding exactly whats going on in Calgary and all of Canada is key to making wise investment decisions for the next decade and beyond. So
whether you're living in Saskatchewan, BC, AB or the none of these should be on your radar as a sophisticated human. The numbers simply don't lie... but in the dark, they can be muddled to look like truth.
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