Time ticks by as the days pass that not one employer requires an employee with my background and education. I sit here now and document this note from our politicians: "now is the time for action and stimulus". With these words, action and stimulus, why hasn't anything been done? It has been two months since Canada's budget passed, hailed as the cowboys relinquishing 'conservative-rule'. These stools drummed up mixture of stimulated bullshit, a deficit of spending masked under the moniker of action and stimulus... In this spending, we've dedicated $12 billion for roads and walkways and $8 billion for housing - in hopes of generating or, as they so eloquently snuck into the mime, "protecting", 190,000 jobs. In amongst the budgetary balance, are bailouts - to the automotive sector - giving $12 billion bucks to help consumers buy more cars and spend more money - what better way to survive the recession than to go out and buy a new car! Thanks stool... But now as I sit stroking my educated degree gently in my lap almost reducing the sheepskin it's printed on to stardust, I think to myself, the bust is about to burst to the basement in this bubble... and I'm stuck in it without an umbrella...
Giardia Stools
New home starts are fine and dandy, but Canada has been crippled by a resource no longer valuable to the world - it's tar sands, oil sands, in-situ heavy oil, bitumen, bidumen, black bouillon, black billed ducks - what ever you want to call is just fine - just listen... the hub of Canadian biscuit development took on 156,000 new dwellers to it's boundaries from 2003 to 2008 - in that time, average value of a home went from $210,000 to $450,000. All told, 157,000 home (average) transactions took place in this time [20K in 2003 - 26K in 2005, 22K in 2004, 34K in 2006 (record), 33K in 2007, 22K in 2008]. If we average things out, let's say (450,000-210,000/6 years) = $40K 'average increase' in homes and say 22.6K average home sales per year. This equates to $5.4 billion extra dollars of money being used by the buyer to pay for a home - this is the money that is being collected and owed to the banks - and this is the money that one city hopes is still out there...
So as far as billions of dollars owed goes, the 'average' home buyer, or 157,000 people - populated the boundaries of a hub, destined to pump, produce and profit, far removed from a lesser known moniker, reduce, reuse and recycle. From the period of August 10th 2008 to April 8th 2009, joblessness in the hub of 1.1 million people increased from 3.3% to 4.8% - many of these unemployed with educated well paying degrees... With the math translating the words to 16,500 people finding the unemployment line, or proverbial pavement - this translates to over $740 million dollars of lost salary and wages, and up to $500 million dollars of debt owed... all from one hub...
Cucking Stools

With this debt owed, no doubtingly bailouts will burst forth - banks receiving support for their profiting off the boom. The aforementioned $5.4 billion owed from the increase in home prices is just the start - if we averaged the total amounts owed to the banks from the entire purchase of a home (not just the increase), this number could reach $11.8 billion. At the current rate of unemployment in the one bubbled hub, this could translate to $1 billion in bad debt so far, all in one hub... If we transpose the numbers from this hub to others across the country, hundreds of billions of dollars could be lost in the bank and mess of the housing industry, translating to a debt assumed to a population of 33,610,474 people in the thousands of dollars. And in a food, clothing, plastic and consumable market already pushed to the maximum with high oil prices, pollution restrictions and governmental legislation - the debt could be devastating - and there the stools are, pumping in $8 billion into an industry that could be on the verge of collapse...
Poppy Stools
As stools stand tall on podium pronouncing their verbal eloquence in the context of leadership - they mimic the cues and calls for support. As stools appoint each other Ministers, a title only befitting to imaginary statuses, nurses and ambulance chasers become Finance Ministers, property lawyers become Environment Ministers, and the corrupted become Health Ministers... As each stool passes through the bowels, they drag and pull on intestinal walls, scraping the innards of the lined cavities until they're flushed through the sphincter. As the Stools pass budgets and our moneys through the legislative processes, they dump and lend our money away, scraping the bottoms of our piggy banks until we're flushed out into the streets, homeless and hungry...
The practice of sustainability requires patience, analysis and ultimately pragmatic thought process. The stools who organized the CMHC to hand out impragmatic mortgages that allowed a 30% spike in bankruptcies from 2007-2008 in one hub (400% spike in December) deserve to be courtesy flushed down the drain... As the days tick and tock and the numbers continue to roll in... the bumpy ride we were on is about to get a whole lot bumpier - sea sick patches are optional. But in the advent of the aftermath, our past mistakes may lead us towards rebuilding proper sustainable economic practices... Generations have evolved since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and in that time, we've identified what makes us sick, what can kill us, and what is useful to us. As we pass through figuring out economies, eventually at some point in time, we should be able to figure things out. As far as I can tell, we have a known population, a known supply and amount of food that can be produced and managed with water and seeds, and a known number of dwellings, residences and lodgings. If we plug these numbers into equations of supply and demand - I'm sure some monkey out there can figure out how to balance an algebraic equation...
It is however, cautioned that the consumerism that feeds the GDP is an effect of transforming the algebraic balance into a differentiated equation - all in an attempt to predict delta Profit over delta time - it is in the hopes of the aftermath, that we can remove the cancerous growth that is the GDP, and find a suitable candidate to integrate the differential equation back into a common, integral algebraic balance... if there were only such a stool's tool...